Top 10 Things You Must Do Going Forward In 2021

Not all birds are eagles, not all cats are Lion and not all men are Royal.


In my previous live video,   I explained that anyone can rise to the top at any height of success. Your background and experiences might not be tangible proof that you can not succeed.


You can recover with wisdom what you lost with speed. It's the winning edge for me.  The principles below are practices that can help you get the kind of results you desire to attract this year.


I will share with you 10 POWERFUL  PRACTICES that can magnet the kind of results you want to have.




This year, a lot of things will go south. This is not new to you. Never you think anyone will blow your trumpet for you. You have to learn how to encourage yourself even when no one is standing with you.


Most people will not identify with you in the days of your beginning or process. A lot of people quit because they don't have the kind of support they want.


No one is willing to give you much unless you start getting results. Evidence dissolves doubt. People want to identify with success. Get the results and people will show up. How to go this year!


Clap for yourself first before someone else will. Love yourself first before you will be loved. Believe in your vision first before anyone will. Invest in yourself before anyone will invest in you.


Value attracts Value. Anytime you begin to create automatically magnet like minds.




Why do you want to succeed so badly?


Until you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, then you might not be able to break out of the loop. You must redefine why you do certain things. You must get a clear motivation for why you want to succeed. Until you get why, you might not be able to conquer certain things, take some decisions and make some kind of moves.


Knowing why you do certain things helps you get the kind of results you envision. To push beyond the ordinary, you must seek a stronger drive. It comes from within you. It makes you rise in the face of challenges. It makes you take the risks. That desire to succeed which no one can quench.


When you find that reason! It takes you off from your bed. It makes you hungry to learn. It stirs up that complete commitment to challenge the status quo.



How far you will go in life is tied to what drives you! Petty inner drives can not produce tangible results.



To keep your sanity and produce the kind of results you want to have, you must be willing to keep your heart away from worry and troubles.


One sure way to invite your fiasco is to preoccupy your mind with anxiety, worry, greed, depression. Focus your energy on what you want to achieve. Your life shouldn't be defined by a third party. Give life to your activities. Affirm and reaffirm what you desire and get to work. Engineer your energy towards creativity. Fix your eyes on the goal. Focus your eyes on the ball.


Save yourself the stress of overthinking things or being in rooms that feeds your mind with worry. There's a whole lot to be done. Your business right now should be how to getter better and attract certain kind of results.


Begin by asking your self....what do you want out of this situation?

Is it necessary that I do this?

Is this important and urgent?




In pursuing to achieve your goals for 2021, you must be careful not to hurt the human spirit. It is very difficult to please humans. While it is not ideal to live your life trying to make everyone happy, try to ensure that your actions are fair to all concerned.

Think before you say yes or no. Do not think your actions do not matter. It does. Keep to an agreement and seek to always keep good relationships no matter what. Don't be quick to break relationships. Do not condemn people or take away their rightful shares. Seek to be at peace with all men.


You should be an inspiration to everyone around you. This is a powerful way to live an impactful life. Avoid conversations that talk ill of others. Do not betray trust.


It is needless to engage in actions that bring down the human spirit. Let your words and actions only be filled with great inspiration.




Every stagnant what smells. It will be an error and abuse to destiny for you to stay on a particular level for too long. For you to level up, you must make conscious deliberate efforts to get better.


I usually tell everyone in some of my sessions that if you cannot invest #10 upon yourself, you are not worth investing #10 upon.


Make plans to facilitate your growth process. You have to make a budget for your business progress and personal development. You have to prioritize your learning system and begin to create the change that you desire.


Save up for training. Buy books. Do not joke about anything that helps you improve.



As a teenager, I learned from my Teens pastor that your association in life determines your acceleration in life. You might not know how much you can achieve until you break out of certain circles of friends.


Be deliberate about who's in your space and shares wavelengths with you. Step out of your cave to build sustainable relationships. The irony of it all is when you begin to improve yourself, the quality of your clan improves. You cannot survive in a network that you've not been wired or being wired to belong to.


You can achieve success this year when you improve your association. Know that every relationship is as important as capital. Do not be a parasite. Seek to offer value in every relationship, that is a sure way to reap the best out of your network. Ask for what you can offer. Seek to be of help. You shouldn’t always be pitied.




A popular African social Change proverb says If you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far, go with people. True visions are people-oriented and need people to actualize them.

There are lots of jobs to be done trying to climb to the top and one of them is accepting that you need people to succeed. That project can be done if you had more people helping out. That idea can be transformed into a company if you get some people to think with you.

If you want to make an extraordinary impact this year begin by asking who and who will be part of this dream and always make it a point of duty to volunteer in other people's projects too.


Systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results. Until you start to think about sustainability, you might not attain a seamless flow of actions and results. The system helps you create sustainable businesses through vision, order, and consistency. 

A system is a predetermined designed mode of operation to achieve the desired result. As a leader of a team, Systems help you move from undocumented practices, policies, and procedures to recorded and documented practices that can be cited or referred to in the future. 

So begin now to think of how to design your business to run independently even in your absence. Businesses that depend on one man for survival is likely to crash. 

The system is one of the reasons why some companies keep being at the top while the others cannot rise above the ground. Have you wondered why a company like Coca-Cola is ever in the market?

Creating a system is wisdom and shouldn’t be a second chance. It should be a top priority. 


Every bit of your becoming is a great memory to remember. The difference between where you are now and where you want to be is time. As you work through this experience, enjoy the No and the Yeah. Enjoy the disappointment and the great success. Each time and in every way learn as much as you can.

Life doesn't offer bad or good experiences. It only gives you learning experiences. Oh wow! Submit yourself to the discipline that comes out of the process. 

Out of the process shall rise refined man.


You've started with a can only get better. Giving up or giving in to challenges is never an option. This is the year for grinding. Stay on it. that goal you're pursuing please stay on it.

You must develop a tough and fierce attitude against failure and conscious deliberate efforts to achieve your goals.

Just know that not everyone will support you. You might have to keep aside some relationships, pleasures, and rubies. Take up the shied and defend your name, pursue your personal growth, and engineer social change. 


As I mentioned earlier, evidence dissolves doubt. You need some level of expertise, experience, and exposure to be on certain tables. Seek avenues to gain such exposure. 

Volunteering is a good way to gain certification, knowledge, and experience above your pay. It's a good way to start. It allows you into certain terrains that you're not qualified for. 

Consciously pay for masterclasses and take a short course to expand your horizon. 

Kelechi Ndieze

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Armstrongug


  1. This is great piece. Thanks for inspiring me.

  2. Nice writeup it really taught a lot.


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