My 2020 experience | Shared with Ugig Group

The year 2020 was a year of massive growth for me. 

I started the year all planned out, wrote down my goals, and was all set to start working on them.

The first two months came and everything was going well till the pandemic came.
At that point I had a paradigm shift, nothing seems to make sense to me again. I lost control over things, I lost the zeal, I couldn't pick myself up to do anything.

I began thinking about what went wrong all of a sudden, then I realized I placed so many expectations on myself and was scared I would be a failure at the end of the year if I don't achieve everything I wrote down in my blueprint. That's where goal setting went wrong.

After I could pinpoint what the problem is, I began again. But before doing anything I went back to my blueprint, wrote down the things I wasn't getting right, I scrapped some goals that were not SMART (i.e specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) so that gave me clarity on what next to do.

This time around I said to myself that I will need an accountability partner, someone who will help me to keep records and remind me of the things that I need to achieve. Getting someone to do that for me wasn't difficult because I have always had potential people in my circle and my circle is very small.

My dad will always say keep your circle small and real, work with people who are reasonable and had experiences of life. It will make your journey quite easier.

So fast forward to April, an opportunity came it was a quiz competition. I am studying nutrition and dietetics at IMO state university so I was a member of Nutrition gladiators of Nigeria, they held a national quiz where each school studying nutrition will have a representative from their school to take part in the quiz.

Mehn that was a huge one for me because I already told myself I can't take it up not even in my right state of mind, how can I come and compete with students from various schools across 36 states in Nigeria? So I just ignore.

But then a word dropped in my spirit and asked me to do it, I said no way. I kept feeling bothered so I had to relate with a friend whom I cherish words so much and he advised that I should give it a shot and he believes in me.

At that point, I felt confident again and decided to try it out. So I registered and started preparing for the quiz. The official day came and we began, the quiz was held for 3 weeks and as God may have it I made it to finals we had 50 students in attendance and I was able to conquer.

While all this was happening I was surprised because I didn't see it coming but I kept moving, the final day came and God helped me I came 1st runner up in the general quiz. All thanks to being God.

I evolved happy again and was motivated to do more, May came and I wrote my first book yet to publish.

I also paid for training, learned some digital skills

The key to unlocking fears is inside the things we term to shy away from and that has been holding us, hostage to things we meant to achieve. 2020 has been a year for all! For me, I picked it as a process to what we seek to see. 

Uh, I took some virtual courses, and learned some digital skills online, began building my online presence sharing nutritional nuggets for healthy living. Deliberately I was getting recognized online and the impact was helping people's life.
This made me more fulfilled because I was able to touch lives from my little nook.

The next thing I did was to start building relationships with people because I have come to realize that human connection is part of what we need to succeed from one stage of living to another which I took seriously from my previous act.

I was so uninformed on healthy living which became a sort of challenge I have fought ignorantly until I became intentional and I see myself overcome that.


My story is not perfect the way it sounds, I had my challenges too. I  struggled with low self-esteem, doubted confidence in myself, procrastinated a lot, most of these times I was lonely because my perspective towards life changed and it made people disconnect from me a lot. Shades were thrown at me, I was criticized too.

But in all of this, I had God, my family, and friends who stood by my side and believed in me, gave me their support. This is where I drew strength from and it made me not to give up.

Sometimes we need to walk alone to attain a certain level in life.
Sometimes we need the critics to get stronger and better.
Sometimes we need to feel fear to do great things, do it amidst fear.
It is okay to doubt yourself and still give it a shot, you will realize your self worth in the long run.

Above all, God is the greatest I made it a goal to build a good relationship with God because he is the only one that will direct and connect you to men of great honor, he works favor for us, he guides and protects us. Make God your number one priority.

Be intentional, has always been my driving force.

Work with people who have the same vision and direction in life as you.

Lastly, be grateful and give thanks, it opens doors too. Whether good or bad make it a habit to always say thank you, lord.

I'm thankful to Comfort for putting this up, I never realized how much I have done this year till I started writing this story. Thank you for what you do, this is huge for me. Keep doing exploit and remain blessed.

Compliment of the season 🤗🤗

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Armstrongug


  1. I had a great read, thank you for sharing. I am inspired.

  2. Indeed a story...🙌thanks for sharing

  3. Your story gave me a smile knowing how God pulled me through this year💪*2020_is_win*


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