Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing himself. Become a bigger person and you’ll also automatically become a better leader. 

To find your best self you just need to lose your weak self. And this can happen only through relentless improvement,continuous reflection and ongoing self-excavation. If you don’t keep rising daily you’ll get stuck in your life,for the rest of your life. Once we transform the primary relationship with ourselves,we will find that our relationships with other people,our work,our impact and our income transform.

Regrettably,most people can’t stand themselves. So,they can never be alone. They need to constantly be with other people to escape their feelings of self-hatred over all their wasted potentials,missing the wonders and wisdom that solitude and quite bring. Or they watch TV endlessly,not realizing it’s eroding their imagination as well as bankrupting their bank account. They end up hanging with people they don’t even like.

Learn how to surround yourself with people who will  fuel your joy,stoke your peace and excite you to become a better person. Life’s is too way too valuable to hang with people who don’t get you. Who don’t just vibe with you. Who have different values and lower your standards than you do. Who have different mindsets,heartsets,healthsets and soulsets. For me,arts feeds my soul. Great books bulletproof my hope. Rich conversation magnifies my creativity. Wonderful music uplift my heart. Beautiful sights fortifies my spirit.

Most people on this planet today don’t think much of themselves,unfortunately,they secure their identity by who they are externally. They evaluate their achievements by what they collected versus by the character they have cultivated. They compare themselves to the orchestrated and fake highlights reels presented by the people they follow. They measure their self-worth by their net worth. And they get kidnapped by the false thought that because something has never been done it can’t be done-depleting the grand and electrifying possibilities their lives are meant to become. All they do is to complain about how bad things are for them instead of applying their primal power to make things better. They take instead of give,criticize instead of create and worry instead of work.

There’s not one person alive today who cannot lift their thinking,performance,vitality,prosperity and lifetime happiness magnificently by wiring in a series of profound daily rituals and then practicing them until they become your second nature.

Develop the patience to stick  with your dedication to absolute world clsss output,even if for a lifetime you only generate a single masterpiece.

Remember that the soreness of growth is less expensive than the devastating costs of regret.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Armstrongug
